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Data Transfer There are two work station computers in the center of the 3rd floor NMR lab in Klamath 344. VnmrJ, TopSpin and MestreNova are installed on these computers for data processing. If you saved your NMR data appropriately, your data will automatically sync to the server, and you will be able to access your data from the workstations. To access your data from a computer connected to the campus network, or VPN-connected to the campus network, you will need to SSH/SFTP connect to the NMR server, hotwax.uoregon.edu using your NMR username and password. Windows software for SFTP/SSH include Putty, CuteFTP, WInSCP, Cyberduck, and FileZilla. Macintosh software for SFTP/SSH include Cyberduck and Fetch. Data ProcessingMestreNova is free of charge for University of Oregon students and researchers. You will need to be connected to the UO network when activating the Mnova license. You will also need need the license file. The MestreNova License should not be shared with outside parties as the license is only available to UO students and researchers. If a data processing software is required and you are not affiliated with the University of Oregon, Bruker offers the TopSpin data processing software free to academic, government and non-profit institutions. If you utilize the Varian spectrometers, there is a free open-source version of VnmrJ available. |